Monday, July 20, 2015

Back from vacation....HAPPY MONDAY!

My husband and I just spend 8 GREAT days in Jacksonhole, WY.

It was amazing.  We white water rafted, paddle boarded...and watched two of our amazing friends get married with the most beautiful backdrop I have ever seen. 

The grand Tetons were amazing but nothing compared to the new Mrs. Sarno's amazing gown.

So now we are back and I am getting back into the groove.  I shook while I was away...obviously.  But the amazing food was awesome and a killer to my waistline.

It is funny how I blew up after my third child and never cared.  I put on a size 20 pants and didn't flinch.  Now, I get back from vacation and I can feel the pudge.

So I am pounding water, increasing protein, and shaking twice a day. 

80% nutrition, 20% fitness, 100% mindset.

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