Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Sun goes down...Hungry Horrors come knocking...hard!

Do you eat everything in the house when the sun goes down?

That quiet time.  Finally, the kids are in bed.  You can hear yourself think, well almost.  You can't seem to hear those inner thought telling you to STOP with the chips and icecream over the sound of the crunching inside your mouth.


Here are some simple and effective tricks to night time munchies:
  **Increase your water intake at dinner.
  **Drink a glass of COLD water after you finish cleaning up.
  **If you have the calories to night snack, pre-plan what you are going to eat before you start
      prowling the kitchen and eating everything in sight!
  **Pre-portioning snacks will help you to NOT eat entire boxes of snacks.  (I love NUT THINS...as soon as I bring them home from the store I get out the snack sized plastic bags and measure
      out one serving per bag.  I will only grab one bag to snack, but when they are in the box...no
      holds barred)
**Give yourself a cut off time.  If it is 8pm, no eating after 8.  If you miss it, drink water and think how awesome breakfast will taste in the morning!
  **When you hit your kitchen curfew, lights off.  Lock it down. I leave that floor of the house and don't return until morning.

I am off to have my serving of nut thins, a tablespoon of peanut butter and some dark cacao chips. Then off to bed with my iced cold water.

Sweet dreams.  Don't let the hungry horrors bite, or ruin all your hard work today!

(6,174 steps...looks like I am snacking while running up and down the stairs)

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