Tuesday, June 9, 2015

80% Nutrition....20% Fitness..How are you getting in that 20%??

Are you getting in your 20% fitness during the day?

There are so many different ways of getting activity minutes daily.  Maybe you don't have time for a gym.  I know I have been to a gym twice in the past year and 1/2.


It is that simple.  If you work at a computer all day, stand up.  Walk in place if you can't leave your post.  Take the long way to the restroom.  Park your car at the end of the parking lot, instead of as close to the door as possible.  Every time I have to take a restroom break (and you can imagine how often I am going if I am drinking 80 + ounces of water per day) I do 20 squats to kill this flat butt issue I have.

I am pushing hard to get my 10k steps a day.  Got to love that Fitbit and all my friends online pushing/taunting me to do better.  But I will admit, I have to work hard to get that 10k.

How many steps a day do you get?  Do you have an easy or fun way to get those activity minutes up per day?  Share it with us and comment below!

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