Thursday, January 28, 2016

 Who wants to WIN a FREE 3 day trial!? 
 I have a whole new box coming at me this week, and i want to give one of them away for free! 

Entering is easy....just find the 3day Trial page....and comment on that page COUNT ME IN! Along with your email address.
If you comment with a friend's email address, you will get two entries.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Hydration On Auto Pilot!

Water tracking can be tedious.  So why track?!

This water bottle is 80+ounces of water.  This means one fill up and you are good to go ALL day!

Why not get it free?  From now to the end of the month...
Any order totaling over $200 will get this bottle for free!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Are you eating an Avocado every single day? Maybe you should start!

Native to Mexico and Central America, the avocado is classified in the same family as camphor and cinnamon. An avocado is botanically, a large berry that grows on a tree that can reach 6 feet tall. Just like a banana, the avocado ripens 1-2 weeks after being picked.
Avocados are often referred to as the healthiest food due to its impressive nutritional value.
An avocado contains these vitamins and minerals:
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B5
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B9
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin K

•An avocado contains more potassium than a banana. Avocados have 14% and a banana contains 10% potassium.
•Folate for your hearts health. Avocados have 23% folate which lowers incidences of heart disease. Vitamin E, monounsaturated fats and glutathione are also good for the heart. Folate can lower the risks of having a stroke.
•Folate is also essential in the prevention of birth defects such as spina bifida and neural tube defect.
•Eating avocados help our body’s absorb 5 times the amount of carotenoids (lycopene and beta carotene).
•Eye Heath- Avocados contain more carotenoid lutein than any other fruit, protecting against macular degeneration and cataracts.
•High in beta-sitosterol, avocados lower bad cholesterol by 22%, raises good cholesterol by 11% and also lowers blood triglycerides by 20%.
•Studies show high oleic acid prevents breast cancer, inhibits tumor growth in prostate cancer and seeks out precancerous and oral cancer cells and destroys them.
•Avocados are high in fiber and will help you feel fuller longer, potentially helping with weight loss. High fiber helps metabolic health and steadies blood sugar.
•Avocado extract paired with soybean oil can reduce the symptoms of arthritis.
•Pholyphenols and flavonoids within avocados have anti inflammatory properties.
•Avocados cleanse the intestines, relieving bad breath.
•Avocado oil greatly nourishes the skin and is a beneficial treatment for psoriasis and other skin irritations.
•Avocados contain an antioxidant called glutathione that prevents heart disease, cancer and slows the signs of aging.
•Glutathione also fights free radicals.
Our blood and cells carry oxygen all throughout our bodies. When we are exposed to environmental pollutants, these toxins change the oxygen in our mitochondria into free radicals, destroying our cells and DNA. This damage creates chronic illnesses. Researchers from the Federation of American Society for Experimental Biology have found glutathione in avocados can be absorbed into our mitochondria and then neutralize the free radicals.
